PASADENA BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONGreat Businesses Making a Great Community!
If you would like to be a newsletter sponsor please register now so we can get your business card size ad in the next issue. The cost is $300 for six months or $500 for a year. Newsletters are printed and mailed monthly.
Need help in designing you Ad? Paulette Morris, Idea Weaver Promotions will design your ad “Free of Charge” so you can get started right away.
Are you interested in becoming a website sponsor like the businesses at the bottom of this page? If so, it is a tremendous value. at only $600 per year! Your logo with a link back to your website will be located at the bottom of every page on our website.
Traffic to the PBA website continues to grow month over month. So for $50 per month, your add will be in front of 2,000 to 4,000 sets of eyes every month! In the digital marketing world, that is a great value.
Then there is an SEO help to your website as well. With your membership, you get a listing with one link back to your website. This is a great value for the relatively low cost of a PBA membership. But as a website sponsor, you will have a link back to your site on EVERY page on our website, including blog posts. So that is at least 75 additional links and growing as we grow the page and blogs. Another great value at $600 for the year.
DATE - Thursday, February 27, 2025
Join the PBA for our annual legislative day in Annapolis. The Day will include a meeting with our state delegates and state senator. They will give us an update on the legislative session and talk about any concerns that you may have.
There will also be a tour of the State House and we will sit in the gallery and watch the action on the legislative floor.
Details as to where we are meeting and carpooling to Annapolis will be coming soon.
8:30AM – Meet for light breakfast and legislative briefing
9:45AM – Head to State House Gallery to observe Session
11:00AM – Dome Tour (if possible)
11:30ish AM- State House self tour
Some of us will meet for lunch and networking afterwards.
Whenever your group is ready you can head back to our carpool spot.
Please bring your drivers license or ID with you. We will also need your date of birth.
Please sign up online or email the PBA office,
Wear comfortable shoes. A Lite Breakast will be provided when we meet our Delegates and Senator. They will give us an update on the legislative session and talk about any concerns we may have. There will also be a tour of the State House and we will sit in the gallery and watch the action on the legislative floor. Limited to 30 people.
We will need to confirm the number of PBA attendees to this meeting by Monday, March 4th. We will also need Full Name, Date of Birth, Email Address and mobile numbers of all who are attending. This information needs to be provided to the State House for security purposes.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 @ Noon
Location: Twain’s Tavern 8359 B&A Blvd Speaker: Captain Jonathan Mahaffee Eastern District Police Station
$22.00 with reservation by Friday, Feb 28
$27.00 if reserving after Friday, Feb 28
You can pay in advance for the luncheons or mixers by mailing your check to PBA, PO Box 861, Pasadena, MD 21123-0861, or you can register and pay on the website by credit card, or you can email your reservation to Sandi and pay at the door by cash or check.
Join us to mix and mingle with other Pasadena Business owners! Were hosting a networking Cocktail Hour on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at Rumor REEL located at 1701 Poplar Ridge Road, Pasadena, MD 21122 Earlybird tickets can be purchased by 2/28 for $25 for members, $30 nonmembers. Prices go up on March 1, 2025 until the day of the event to $30/members; $35 nonmembers.
If you're interested in hosting a networking event for Pasadena Business Association, please email We're looking to diversify our events to include morning mingles, and lunch and learns and evening events to cater to the needs of ALL of our members.
SPRINGScholarship Fundraiser
SEPTEMBERGolf Tournament Crab Feast
NOVEMBERCaring & Sharing Thanksgiving ParadeVeteran's Day Ceremony
DECEMBERAnnual Christmas Tree Lighting
Pasadena Business Association P.O. Box 861, Pasadena, MD 21123-0861 | Phone: 410-360-4PBA | Fax: 410-544-7060 |