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PBA Veteran's Day Ceremony 2015

12 Nov 2015 3:33 PM | Sandi Parrish

The PBA’s 5th Annual Veterans Day Ceremony was a great day to honor those present and past who fought to keep us safe. We had Veterans from every war, every branch of the service, and many active military in attendance. It was truly an honor to have them at our ceremony. The Veterans and Active Military stood up, introduced themselves, and told us where and when they served. Each was presented with a pin from their particular branch and a round of applause from the crowd. Mrs. Major’s second grade class at Bodkin Elementary School wrote letters to the veterans and they were so cute and heartfelt. Thank you to Mrs. Majors for teaching her students the meaning of Veterans Day and sharing the letters with us. We hope to have more letters next year so every veteran can have one. I want to thank County Executive Steve Schuh, Delegates Kipke and Simonaire, County Councilman Derek Fink, Chief of Police Tim Altomare, Eastern District Captain Shawn Urbas, and Dana Hendrickson with the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs for attending and contributing to our ceremony. I want to thank the Chesapeake Vocal Ensemble, Navy Honor Guard, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Pastor Bob Stevens, Ft. Meade Chief Petty Officers, Captain Rick Barnes, Ph.D., of the MD Defense Force Band, Boy Scout Troop #773, Anne Arundel County Police and Reserve Officers, Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks, Veteran Charlies Johns, Veteran Vince Kelley of Ft. Graphics, Veteran Mike Wist of Bay Country Rentals, Maher’s Florist, Chief Petty Officers Association of Ft. Meade, MD, PBA President Mike Jacobs and of course Lisa Hart of chairing this event again this year. We couldn’t do it without your support. I had several people come up to me after the ceremony who came because their dad who had past was a veteran and just felt they should be there to honor him. It brought tears to my eyes when talking with some of the veterans who had difficulty walking and standing but would not miss the ceremony. God Bless them and God Bless America.

Pasadena Business Association
P.O. Box 861, Pasadena, MD 21123-0861 | Phone: 410-360-4PBA | Fax: 410-544-7060 | pasadenabusinessassociation1@verizon.net 

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